《正义联盟:无限地球危机(中)》:社会边缘,人性探讨 - 水牛影院


来源:baidu.com人气:640更新:2024-09-19 01:39:39

借此片可观新浪潮对电影艺术的影响,导演无拘束的尝试大大拓展了电影所及边界,而且这部电影像早熟的文化一样集大成,开头的追捕之于希区柯克,陌生人絮叨些生活琐屑之于伍迪艾伦,沉默寡言、深居简出的钢琴家之于《正义联盟:无限地球危机(中)》,当然不能全权说是后者的效法,只是更能体现前者对电影形式多种尝试的伟大这第二部带有宗教色彩,一个被关入容器的恶魔,千百年来一直被天主教所封印,但它近来却有复苏征兆。教堂外被蛊惑的民众,被控制的虫子,教堂内被恶魔控制的人类,展开了博弈。在死伤大半之后,女主舍身一推,与恶魔同入镜中世界,危机解除。然而,数十年后的梦中脑波通信却显示,恶魔将借女主之身,再度归来,印证标题:Prince of Darkness。ps:片中扮演解读古文字的华人女性为Ann Yen(颜正安)女士,为导演叶安师妹,留美期间拍摄本片,并嫁与美国外交官季瑞达。

  An endless army of shadow demons bent on the destruction of all reality swarms over our world and all parallel Earths. The only thing opposing them is the mightiest team of metahumans ever assembled. But not even the combined power of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and all their fellow superheroes can slow down the onslaught of this invincible horde. What mysterious force is driving them? And how do the long-buried secrets of the Monitor and Supergirl threaten to crush our last defense?
